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Ransomware: Don't Pay the Ransom!


If You Get Ransomware

If a computer or device that is owned or managed by Butte College or is used to access or maintain sensitive Butte College data, take action immediately.

  • Report it to User Support Services at or 530-895-2888.
  • Don't pay the ransom. There are no guarantees when you are dealing with criminals.


What Is Ransomware?

  • Ransomware is malicious software that infects and encrypts your computer and its files, as well as other devices. Victims are asked to pay a ransom to get their folders, files, and devices unlocked.
  • Criminals use ransomware to extort money from individuals and organizations. A number of large health care providers have been targets.


How Ransomware Typically Gets on Devices

  • You open an email attachment that downloads the malicious software, which then infects your device.
  • You open a shared document link in an email message, and the document contains ransomware.
  • You click a link in an email message that takes you to a malicious website where you are deceived into clicking on a link and downloading malicious software.

Once a computer or other device is infected, the malware begins encrypting files and folders on the device, local drives, any attached drives, backup drives, and potentially other computers on the same network.


What You Can Do to Protect Yourself

  • Don't open unexpected email attachments. Check with the sender first.
  • Check links in email before clicking by hovering over them with your mouse.
  • Make backups, and keep them separate from your device.
  • Learn more about ransomware:

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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